This season’s speakers

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    • #45394
      david eastleydavid eastley

        Congratulations to the program team . What two great speakers to start the new season, best we have had in a long time


        David E

      • #45395
        Steve SmithSteve Smith

          Hmmm, interesting!  What a waste of a good speaker.  Subject matter was interesting but anyone could put together a talk together about other photographer’s work, and probably finish on time.  That way people would not need to exit after 9:30 but prior to the end of the talk, probably to catch a pre-arranged lift.  Off to don flack jacket and hard hat:-)

        • #45409
          John PetersJohn Peters

            Details of the photographers talked about in Nigel Wilson’s lecture on 2nd October 2034 can be found here 

          • #45410
            Keith LeeKeith Lee

              Just to add my 2d worth, I thoroughly enjoyed  Mondays talk by Nigel Wilson. He came over as a very good educator and got me thinking enough to stay awake thoroughout the whole presentation which is rare for me. I will be looking up some of the names of photographers he mentioned during the talk and also look into doing one of his courses.

              I didn’t enjoy the talk by Cherry the previous week so much. I get that some people specialise in one genre but the whole presentation seemed solely about one technique and could have been done and dusted in 30mins max. Looking at some of the photos put up by club members after her talk I thought they were a lot better than most of the examples Cherry chose to show.


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