Studio equipment for sale

Forums Buy and Sell Studio equipment for sale

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    • #46806
      Keith LeeKeith Lee

        This is just a feeler to see if anyone out there is interested in buying some of the equipment I’ve recently purchased with the purpose of updating some of the equipment we have in the portrait group and after covering the cost, the extra money will go towards some new equipment I have my eye on but out of reach of the PG coffers at the moment… It’ll also give me some space back in my house….

        The list will include flash heads, backgrounds, modifiers, reflectors and posing tubs… if anyone is interested I even have a victorian chaise lounge i’d like to see the back of too

        A fuller listing will come later

      • #46868
        Keith LeeKeith Lee

          It’s later and i have compiled a list with photos and prices on Google… I’m open to sensible offers and deals

          Here is the link

          All profits to be put towards new kit for the portrait group

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