Speaker Feedback – Terry Donnelly & the Sony Show

Forums Feedback Speaker Feedback – Terry Donnelly & the Sony Show

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    • #10666
      John PetersJohn Peters

        How was the evening for you? And, would you be interested in other camera brand evenings?

      • #10668
        Keith LeeKeith Lee

          I found Terry a very good speaker and I learned a few new things from his talk. He’s obviously very knowledgeable about photography and the equipment he uses or he wouln’t be as successful as he is. I did find the big sell on Sony a bit wearing but then they were paying for him to be there so it’s understandable and it’s interesting to learn about the equipment people use rather than just the pictures they take.

        • #10671

            I found the evening really came alive when Terry started show ‘n’ telling about his personal projects. Particularly the “rabbit” images which were terrific. It was ironic that the Manhattan Reflections images  were, obvs, reflected, and so the image was not as clear (by design), but the whole of the rest of the evening was about the terrific quality that can be obtained by Sony mirrorless cameras.

            All-in-all I enjoyed the evening. Less on the Sony-sell and more on the photography would have enhanced it for me.

          • #10672
            Steve SmithSteve Smith

              I found the evening very interesting.  Terry set the scene as an accomplished photographer with many, many, many awards mostly taken on cameras other than the Sony which he now loves.

              It was interesting to hear about all of the many advantages that mirrorless cameras have over good old-fashioned DSLRs, and as a user of a Fuji mirrorless (CSC), I can agree with a lot of the comments.  However, it all depends on what type of photography one does, and how deep one’s pockets are to completely change to CSC, and I will still be using my DSLR for shots that I cannot yet achieve with a CSC camera.

              I suspect that the camera manufacturers are all wanting us to upgrade to the latest technology, and spend lots of money in the process, but I would advise on a try before you buy scheme if you are interested, it may save a lot of disappointment.

              I suspect it might be worthwhile getting another manufacture’s ambassador to deliver a presentation rather than inviting Terry back.

            • #10799

                Whilst I enjoyed Terry’s style and loved the bit with all the rabbits I was less than enthralled by the heavy sell aspect of the evening.  If I want to learn about the benefits of a new technology and manufacturer specific aspects I will take time to read and look at reviews, visit stores etc.  I am more interested in learning about what makes a good picture, how to create better compositions, how to approach different styles of photography than being told I might as well junk all the hardware I have invested in as there is a new kid on the block and only that kid will enable me to take better photographs.

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