Speaker Feedback – Matt Freestone

Forums Feedback Speaker Feedback – Matt Freestone

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    • #14509
      John PetersJohn Peters

        Did you enjoy Matt’s presentation this evening? This was his first time talking to a camera club.

        He said in an email ‘Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed coming to speak at the Club tonight – thank you for such a warm and engaging welcome! What a terrific and knowledgable group of photographers you have! I hope to see you again soon. Would you please pass on my thanks to all the team there?’

      • #14510
        Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

          I really enjoyed Matt’s presentation – he covered an enormous amount of content in a very relaxed and down to earth way. He gave some great hints and tips and his enthusiasm for his career and photography shone through for the whole evening. I hope we can get him back in the future.

        • #14511

            I can only echo Mick’s comments.  His enthusiasm and passion shone through.  I would certainly never have guessed that this was his first ever club presentation.

          • #14512
            david eastleydavid eastley

              entertaining and informative a jolly good evening

            • #14513

                I agree with all the above comments. He fulfilled his (and my) beloved BBC’s remit “inform, educate and entertain.”

                I did feel he was new to doing these presentations as he spent a lot of time establishing his credentials for being there. He doesn’t need to;  a short, ten-minutes maximum, outline of what he’s done (it’s very impressive) and then he’d have more time to show us his great images, post-processing techniques and planning tips.

                Just as an aside to everyone that arranges these: We’re fortunate that you organise it so well and get terrific speakers.  Thank you.

              • #14514
                Annah RossAnnah Ross

                  I thought Matt’s talk was excellent. Perhaps a little bit long on the intro about himself but that was actually very interesting and very humorous and I enjoyed it. I picked up lots of practical tips from him, and most importantly they were things that I can actually work on rather than hope to aspire to one day. I really liked the Lightroom overview and I’ve already put some of that into practice this morning. I loved that he really knew his stuff from his camera operator side of things and could apply that to his still photography. I would be very interested in hearing from him again especially if he was to talk about some of his professional camera operator role. I bet he has some brilliant stories to tell!

                • #14515
                  Peter TrumpPeter Trump

                    I too thoroughly enjoyed Matt and particularly the hints and tips.

                  • #14531
                    John PetersJohn Peters

                      Interesting material, good speaker, useful ‘how-to’ information – I feel I learned a few things!  Much better than looking at someone’s clever pictures but coming away none the wiser about how to emulate them.

                    • #14532
                      John PetersJohn Peters

                        Would anyone be interested in us arranging a Saturday hands-on Lightroom workshop with Matt? Perhaps 10 delegates, each using our own laptops?  Probably with Matt providing us with a copy of the same set of four to six images to work on in parallel.

                        Let me know and I’ll explore this with Matt.


                      • #14567
                        Keith LeeKeith Lee

                          I enjoyed Matts presentation, very surprised to learn that it was his first one as he seemed quite at ease, mind you, if he’s had to deal with the likes of Donald Trump then a bunch of old fogies should be a doddle 😉  It was interesting to hear his journey to how he got to where he is but one or two people I’ve spoken to since complained that his life story went on for too long and there wasn’t enough about his stills photography. I guess it’s horses for courses…. I wouldn’t mind seeing him again but with a bit less about his TV career, interesting though it was.

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