Speaker Feedback – Ken Scott – Walking the Coast of Britain

Forums Feedback Speaker Feedback – Ken Scott – Walking the Coast of Britain

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    • #10797
      John PetersJohn Peters

        How was Ken’s presentation for you?

      • #10798

          A very enjoyable evening.  Great presentation

        • #10801
          david eastleydavid eastley

            Ken is always a great speaker and a very good judge

          • #10802
            Stephen EverestStephen Everest

              This is the 2nd time that I’ve seen one of Ken Scott’s presentations in the last few weeks and this show was as good as the previous one. Ken’s photography speaks for itself, an excellent presentation. He also really knows how make an AV. All of his AV’s are very well put together, but for me, his Horizons AV last night was the real standout AV of the presentation. He manages to produce that very  illusive  ‘3rd’ image that appears briefly between the transition of two images. On this AV he achieved it not just every now and then but at almost every transition.

              I would certainly like to see Ken come back to the club again, maybe to judge next time as he’s bit of a photographic rule breaker.

            • #10803
              Keith LeeKeith Lee

                Can’t say I enjoyed Ken Scotts’ presentation on Monday and I struggled to stay awake more than usual. To me this wasn’t so much a talk about photography so much as a talk about his walk along the coast with a few photos thrown in, most of which were pretty average.

              • #10830
                Annah RossAnnah Ross

                  I enjoyed Ken’s talk  and would definitely like to hear him again.   I would have preferred it if it been more about the photographs than his walk, but to have  something different every so often is actually quite nice.  It was actually quite refreshing  and inspirational to see good quality photos that were taken when he was walking past the places, rather than photos that had taken with a lot of planning and at the ‘ right time of the day’ etc.  Yes please to more of this!

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