Speaker Feedback – Damien Demolder

Forums Feedback Speaker Feedback – Damien Demolder

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    • #10564
      John PetersJohn Peters

        How was Damien’s presentation for you?

      • #10567
        Philip HollowayPhilip Holloway

          Yes I enjoyed his style of getting people involved and would enjoy him coming back, but I wish that All the guest speakers would give some more technical talk of how they produced the shots with shutter speed and aperture and iso.

        • #10572
          david eastleydavid eastley

            I was only able to stay for first half   amusing but very instructive on how to seek out street images, something I am rubbish at but feel encouraged to give it a try.

            I would have him back but does he have other talks to give ?


            David Eastley

          • #10574
            Keith LeeKeith Lee

              I thought Damien was quite entertaining and informative, he puts a lot of thought into his subjects and has a lot of patience to wait for the right moment, something I should perhaps work on to improve my street photography and photography generally. I’d be happy to have him back again 🙂

            • #10576
              Stephen EverestStephen Everest

                In my view, Damien Demolder was a first class speaker last night. Just where did two hours go? There aren’t many speakers where we can say that about them. Damien demonstrated various practical methods of how to go about taking street photography. Not an easy subject for even the most experienced photographers. He held my interest with his very useful comments, particularly the need to think about the shot you want before you’ve even got your camera out of its bag/your pocket etc. thus avoiding unwanted attention. I would certainly like to see him invited back to the club, with another of his lectures.

                Steve Everest

              • #10578

                  A thoroughly enjoyable evening.

                  I found Damian very informative and I feel I learned so much from him. I wasn’t so impressed by his Lumix pitch but it was well worth putting up with considering how much knowledge I gained.

                  I for one would like to see how he does as a Judge.

                • #10581
                  Eddie LordEddie Lord

                    I am just sorry we didn’t get to hear the rest of his presentation. I think we should have him back for the second half!

                  • #10583
                    Helen WigginsHelen Wiggins

                      Disappointed I missed this one…annoyingly next door working ☹️ would like him back on the basis it looks like he was very good and the topic was just up my street 😃

                    • #10586
                      Peter TrumpPeter Trump

                        Some people have the’WOW’ factor and Damien certainly had it. A great evening and I too would have him back again.

                      • #10591
                        Sherry DavisSherry Davis

                          I liked Damien’s talk, especially the first half. He has a polished style and delivery and very amusing. I didn’t think there were many images but the explanation of those that were there was very enlightening. I can’t say street photography is for me, but it was an interesting talk. Just out of curiosity, was anybody tempted by the camera stall? If I have one little nit  pick then it would be that the second half seemed like a sales pitch for Panasonic. I would definitely like to see him back.

                        • #10622
                          Martin BradyMartin Brady

                            A very entertaining and informative evening. It was particularly helpful to understand the preparation and care Damien took to get his compositions right and what sorts of things he considered beforehand. As someone else mentioned – a little too much sales in the second half, I felt, at the expense of images.

                          • #10800
                            BRIAN DANDRIDGEBRIAN DANDRIDGE

                              Excellent and very enjoyable presentation, particularly the first half, however, I didn’t like the heavy sell aspect of the second half and the inference that I could only become a street photographer if I bought a Panasonic GX9 or G9!

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