Photography Topics and Genres for future speaker and member evenings

Forums Feedback Photography Topics and Genres for future speaker and member evenings

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  • Author
    • #10571
      John PetersJohn Peters

        Requests and ideas – topics, genres, skills…..

      • #10573
        david eastleydavid eastley

          I enjoy ‘ how to ‘ evenings rather than just looking at images. Evenings like Damian last night, Coleeen on macro last year leave you going home thinking I think I could try that. Subject matter less important for me

        • #10592
          Sherry DavisSherry Davis

            Would like to see an abstract photography talk, maybe a portrait one as that is going to be a theme next year. Also maybe a talk on how to see creatively as sometimes I feel like I go around with blinkers on. Andy Rouse on wildlife photography would be nice, loved his talk at Park Cameras.

          • #10608
            John PetersJohn Peters

              I like ‘how to’ evenings, whether they are Members’ Evenings or photography speakers who share much like Damien Demolder with Street Photography.

            • #10613
              Keith LeeKeith Lee

                I like speakers who are more engaging with the audience rather than talking at them. I like knowing how  the pictures were taken and with what equipment but not to geek level. For future speakers I would quite like to see a proper portrait photographer do a presentation with a live demonstration of lighting and post processing.

                I would be quite happy for more workshop evenings or interactive member evenings too

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