Opinions on Colin Jarvis, last night’s judge

Forums Feedback Opinions on Colin Jarvis, last night’s judge

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    • #44153
      Keith LeeKeith Lee

        I thought he was quite fair to most and a bit harsh on some. Like most judges he’s a bit biased towards his specialist subjects but overall I think he did quite well. I did wonder a few times how much time he’d given to reviewing the images before last night as he did seem to struggle to find anything to say about some although to be fair there were one or two images anyone would have struggled to find anything constructive about.

      • #44154
        John PetersJohn Peters

          I’m inclined to concur with Colin ‘having done quite well overall’. I feel that he seemed harsh at times because he was using a wider range of scores than we normally see.

        • #44155
          Wilfred BanfieldWilfred Banfield

            I enjoyed last night’s session, and thought that generally, Colin’s comments were pretty fair.

            I’m very new to this, and this is only the second photo competition that I’ve entered.

            I’m beginning to learn what seems to work/not work with the judges.

            However, I’m more interested in getting feedback about how my entry could have been better or improved, than I am about winning; so constructive feedback is welcome.

            In my case, I’ve submitted two wildlife photos taken in challenging circumstances/poor light etc, which I accept are not of National Geographic standards (!), but the judges don’t seem to take account of “degree of difficulty” in their scoring.

            But I’m learning what works…

          • #44156

              This being Colin’s first judging event I found him quite nervous by way of not knowing what to say with periods of silence to start. I also thought he was leaning towards his specialised subjects of which he had a lot to say but some other entries were given little time. Because my zoom had a blip I had to reset it and missed my entry and score.

            • #44157
              Keith BrooksKeith Brooks

                I felt a little disappointed for our newer members, There were some lovely images last night in all the groups but despite Colin talking them up and saying how much he enjoyed them his marks didn’t for me always reflect his description, his marks seemed inconsistent. As said earlier it was almost felt as if he hadn’t looked or done his homework on our images . I love to see everybody’s images and I don’t have to like them but I do appreciate the difficulty and  hard work that goes into them and again I didn’t feel Colin’s marks or comment always reflected this.
                Overall some beautiful images last night  but perhaps a different judge could have enriched the evening and commentary .

              • #44159
                Sherry DavisSherry Davis

                  I am pretty much in agreement with most that has already been said regarding the judging. I don’t know if he was nervous, but there were a lot of pregnant pauses with some images as though he was trying to think of something to say, which led me to think that maybe he had only looked at the images last minute, although he did seem to have written down his markings. Images are always going to be marmite to judges and are going to be liable to some form of subjectiveness if they are of a similar style as the judges own work, I feel that some judges can also be prone to skip over images of genres that they are not familiar with, ( don’t get me started with abstract photography ). I did feel my heart sink when he said early on that nature images had gotten the better marks as I hadn’t entered one, but I have taken on board what he said about my street photo and will try to blur out the adjacent shop’s advertising so people are not encouraged to read it and not look at the photograph.



                • #44442
                  Eddie LordEddie Lord

                    Reading some of the above comments, I did wonder if he realised that normally each groups images are marked to a slightly different standard. I was left with the impression that he treated all the images as if they were in one big group – which, iirc, no one in the advanced group received a 20.

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