Judge Review – Lindsey Green

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    • #11206
      John PetersJohn Peters

        How was the POY judging for you?
        Did you feel that the comments made were constructive?
        Would you like to have Lindsey back again?

      • #11209
        Keith LeeKeith Lee

          I can’t say I was too impressed by Lindsay tonight. She waffled needlessly about a lot of things we could already see, at times I think she had no clue as to what she was looking and tried to fill time, sometimes less is more. Judging the PDI’s was better then the prints as time was pressing to get finish before 10pm which made her comments more concise and less waffle. Personally I wouldn’t have her back again ….

        • #11212
          Peter TrumpPeter Trump

            I completely agree with Keith’s comments.
            Judging I know is subjective but should be impartial, Lindsey liking or disliking a photograph is not giving the photographer the merits of their work which unfortunately she had a habit of doing through the evening.
            Based on Monday Lindsey would not be high on my list for a recall.

          • #11213
            david eastleydavid eastley

              A weak performance by Lindsey. Lost her way with the prints, both talking too much and not really critiquing the images and significantly over ran the first half. I agree the second half was better, no time so much sharper and too the point. Not sure I would have picked the same images as her for the top spots but , as I know to my cost, judging is a personal thing and you will never please everyone all the time. I think that for image of the year nights we probably need to pick one of the SPA A list top ranked judges. I would not invite her back

              David Eastley

            • #11214
              Annah RossAnnah Ross

                On the positives, I think all the winners really deserved their placements and I really liked hearing her point of view on the ones she didn’t shortlist. She had a different perspective which was interesting to hear.   Having said that, I think she made some rather obvious statements and a few observations which probably came from a lack of experience /nerves. It would have been nice to have seen a few more merits/ commendations. And a bit disappointing she didn’t award a third place in one of the classes. … I think she needs a bit more experience before we have her back.

              • #11230
                Steve SmithSteve Smith

                  It is refreshing to see negative comments about a judge, I thought it was just me.  I believe that we should have top ranked judge for the POY evening as the quality of prints is particularly high, and it needs someone with lots of experience to decide the better prints.  I was very disappointed when Lyndsey referred to her grandchildren in liking a particular photo, which I believe was inappropriate. On the other hand, judging is very subjective, and I suspect that sometimes a ‘gut feeling’ is all that is left to differentiate the winners.  I would not have her back as a judge in the near future.

                  Possibly have a panel of 2-3 judges for the POY evening to even out the personalities of judges.

                • #11238
                  Sally TrumpSally Trump

                    I found Lindsey rather disappointing as judge for the POY. All of the submissions were of a very high standard and I felt maybe she was out of her depth. Also, it was extremely disappointing that only 1st & 2nd places were awarded for the preliminary class for PDI’s, not very encouraging for all our new members who had put some really great images forward into what was the most important competition of the season.
                    I like Steve’s idea of more than one judge for the POY.
                    Not happy to have Lindsey back.
                    Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic selection of prints & PDI’s and especially to the winners of each category.

                  • #11240
                    david eastleydavid eastley

                      Just a quick comment on using panels of judges, it seldom works as each judge has different views and you end up with decisions by committee, and we all know where that can lead. it is almost impossible to do in a live judging night. I regularly do Image of year competitions and their is a core pool of A list experienced judges available who do this type of competitions most seasons ( I can suggest a few names if required )

                      David Eastley

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