35 events found.
Submit Images
Calendar of Events
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Submit Images Panel Competition
Submit Images Panel Competition
Submit Prints and PDIs for the Panel Competition on PhotoEntry. Entries must comprise a set of between 3 and 6 images, of a related subject matter, to be judged as a cohesive whole. Each panel will be judged on its ability to make a cohesive statement, as well as on its photographic merit. The panel…
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Submit Images Monthly Competition 5 (Monochrome theme)
Submit Images Monthly Competition 5 (Monochrome theme)
Submit your Print and PDI images on PhotoEntry by midnight in order to take part in the Monthly Competition with the theme Monochrome to be held on 27th January 2025. There are 6 ranking competitions each season, scored by an external judge, the results of which are cumulative on a league table basis. Competitions are…