Skittles Night, the Bull Inn, Henfield

Forums Social Events Skittles Night, the Bull Inn, Henfield

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  • Author
    • #47580
      Keith LeeKeith Lee

        Start time 7.30pm until we’ve had enough
        £15pp to include a finger buffet at half time, monies to be paid in cash on the night
        +1’s welcome
        Dutch Raffle… donations for prizes will be gratefully received

        Any interested parties please let me know here, on FB or the list at signing on on club nights

        Thank you


      • #47593
        Mark CaddyeMark Caddye

          Hello Keith – count me in please. Thank you.

          Kind regards

          Mark Caddye

        • #47594
          Keith LeeKeith Lee

            This is the last call for anyone interested in coming along to a fun night of skittles on this coming Thursday evening, details on the events page….
            Any interested parties let me know by tonight either here or on the sheet next to signing in/badge collection at club tonight..

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