Distinctions Group meeting Tuesday 24 September

Forums Restricted content Distinctions Group meeting Tuesday 24 September

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    • #47307
      Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

        Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 24 September starting at 7.30 – the link for this session is below.


        Meeting ID: 816 2615 9557
        Passcode: 148452

        Please send images and / or panels to me via wetransfer by Sunday evening (22 Sept)


      • #47326
        Sherry DavisSherry Davis

          Hi Mick,

          I am away that week in the Peak District.  Can you record the meeting so I can watch it when I return? I would be very interested in what  Eddie and David think of the new LRPS system that has been introduced.

          Ordinarily, I would use the cottage’s WiFi to join the group, but that day is my birthday and I will be going out for dinner that night.

          As to how my panel is going, slowly would be the word that I would use.  I’m pretty busy these days and going to get busier with the new season coming up, so time looking at it will be at a minimum for a while.  Hopefully, I will get back to it when time allows.

          Kind Regards


        • #47366
          Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

            Reminder…….. images and panels to me via WeTransfer (mick.muspratt@gmail.com) tomorrow for Tuesday’s meeting.



          • #47375
            Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

              This session is cancelled

            • #47376
              Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

                This session is cancelled

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