Caroline Preece | Tools not Rules | A Good Choice?

Forums Feedback Caroline Preece | Tools not Rules | A Good Choice?

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    • #44033
      John PetersJohn Peters

        Caroline’s talk was chosen as the opening talk for our new season on purpose. The purpose was to provide food for thought for us all as photographers, to support our development.

        Was the target met?

      • #44034

          Yes,  interesting, entertaining and thought provoking.

        • #44035
          Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

            A very interesting talk – I think positioning her talk at the very start of the season was a good idea as it gave a good reminder of some of the “rules” and ideas around image creation. I liked the way she  challenged those rules using various versions of images as examples.

            I liked her references to well respected photographers and her analysis of the images.

            In my view the target set in booking Caroline was certainly met.

          • #44036
            david eastleydavid eastley

              The Gestalt principals are well established for photography and she explained them well. Indeed they are often used when training judges. I felt I was in a lecture and more examples to illustrate the principals would have helped ( although I had to leave early to pick up my wife and so may have missed more images in the last 20 minutes). For me the big ‘ take aways’ were  keep the images simple, don’t just snap what is in front of you , think about the message you want to convey from the scene

              David E

            • #44037
              Eddie LordEddie Lord

                Certainly an excellent start to the season, but as Caroline noted at the beginning of her lecture, there was a lot to take in. Seeing the video again will be of benefit. I had a hard time taking notes as she covered so much so quickly.

                Perhaps a return visit with a subset of some of the subjects covered.



              • #44064

                  I enjoyed the first half of Caroline’s talk but wasn’t fully engaged with the second half.

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