Speaker Feedback – John Fox

Forums Feedback Speaker Feedback – John Fox


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  • Author
    • #10851
      John PetersJohn Peters

        What did you think about the evening?
        Was the topic of interest?
        Did you like the presentation style?
        Would you like to see this speaker again (various talks on different topics available)?

      • #10853
        Philip HollowayPhilip Holloway

          I really liked the topic and speaker last night, I wish all speakers would inform you how they took the photos so that you can learn different subjects rather than just showing snap shots and not explaining anything.
          Great evening and has inspired me to try some of the techniques that where explained

        • #10854
          Annah RossAnnah Ross

            I thought John Fox was great. A topic I’ve been wanting to try for a while. I thought he was very informative, realistic and engaging with his sense of humour. I’d liked that he gave us a handouts with tips and that he really explained how to overcome some of the usual mistakes beginners make. Thanks for inviting him, I know he was a late standby.

          • #10855
            Louise ClarkeLouise Clarke

              I thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  As others have stated; the settings and tips for night photography were extremely useful – especially as a beginner.  I feel more confident giving this a try now!


            • #10856
              Steve SmithSteve Smith

                Probably, one of the best speakers that we have had.  Lots of useful tips and techniques on how to take astro and night photos. I would be interested in having him back to do another talk.

                How do we access to the handouts he was talking about?

              • #10857
                Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

                  A very interesting evening with an entertaining speaker

                • #10892
                  Tony GibsonTony Gibson

                    One of the most informative and entertaining speakers on a subject yet untried by some of us. The handout sheets  were bonus as I forgot to take notes during the talk.

                    Would hope to see him again.

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