Judge Review – Robin Harmsworth

Forums Feedback Judge Review – Robin Harmsworth

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  • Author
    • #10673
      John PetersJohn Peters

        How was Robin’s judging from your point of view? Would you like to see Robin judging for us again?

      • #10682
        Philip HollowayPhilip Holloway

          Yes I like Robins style of judging as he’s consistent with his remarks. (Where other judges will go back on what they committed on photos in the same competition) Happy to put a photo in for competitions with Robin judging.

        • #10685

            I thought he was a very pleasant judge – his comments were all very positive.  Sometimes I was surprised at the scores he gave, given how positive he was about some pictures, yet they were awarded a lower score than his comments might have indicated.  Might just be my inexperience showing though.  I was pleased with his scoring of my picture so no hard feelings here 😉

          • #10686
            Helen WigginsHelen Wiggins

              I thought in view of the volume Robin had to get through he did a really good job. I felt he was fair and provided constructive feedback. He allowed all the images in both competitions time for comment which is no mean feat, and many a judge may have run out of time at the end…so well done Robin.

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