Speaker Feedback – Cliff Carter

Forums Feedback Speaker Feedback – Cliff Carter

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    • #10650
      John PetersJohn Peters

        How was the evening for you? Was the topic worthy of exploring?

      • #10652
        Keith LeeKeith Lee

          I thought Clff’s talk was different. Not my cup of tea I have to confess but he got quite a few questions from the audience so they were more interested. I was interested in the Serif Affinity software he was using though so will investigate that further.

        • #10656
          Sherry DavisSherry Davis

            I only stayed for the first half as it wasn’t my cup of tea, also I’m not into aviation photography, obviously the second half might have been different. That said he really seemed to know his stuff and I can see the merits of doing AV presentations as a way of using all those images that just stay on your SD card or external drive. I remember years ago doing a very simple one on a family holiday to Florida to show the grandparents, it was so frustrating and hard work that I vowed never to do it again.


          • #10658
            John PetersJohn Peters

              The thinking behind asking Cliff to do his talk was to suggest to we photographers how we could present and preserve our work, whether family, our travels or to showcase our best photography. An idea I have it to make slideshows with or without a soundtrack and post these to a private video channel where family or friends can see these ‘movies’ now and in the future. Both Windows and Mac provide free tools for creating linear slideshows. Avid provides a free multi-layer video editing program which allows the dedicated to create more complex shows (it does have a steep learning curve, but is an excellent tool).

              I feel that I should get my (few) best images off my hard-drive.

            • #10662
              Martin BradyMartin Brady

                The talk worked for me. I found it very interesting as a way of helping ensure your images don’t end up being filed away never to see the light of day again. Also, not having been there myself, that part of Scotland looks absolutely spectacular. Definitely now on my list of places to visit.

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