Judge Review: Darren Pullman: General thoughts, should we invite Darren back?

Forums Feedback Judge Review: Darren Pullman: General thoughts, should we invite Darren back?

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    • #10350
      John PetersJohn Peters

        How was the evening for you? What are your general thoughts, what did you like or otherwise, how would you rate Darren as a judge out of 20 (bearing in mind how he compares to other judges); should we invite Darren back?

      • #10353

          Hi John,

          I thought this evening’s competition went very well. Darren made pertinent comments about each entry with due reference to the quality of the image, creativity etc. He kept everyone on side through the effective use of humorous comments. Like all judges, he clearly had to make subjective judgements but these were kept to a minimum. I would like to see him again.



          Viv Nicholas

        • #10386
          Mick MusprattMick Muspratt

            I thought Darren had a very nice relaxed style with a good bit of humour – his marks reflected the comments he made – I would like to see him back in the future

          • #10387
            Louise ClarkeLouise Clarke

              As a newbie I felt I gained a lot from Darren. His comments on the images were interesting, informative and well placed (in my opinion 🙂). I would really like to see him return.

            • #10388
              david eastleydavid eastley

                I have known Darren for years, he is a great photographer and a good judge with a relaxed style. he appreciates the whole image and is not hung up on technicalities and is far better than many that visit the club. Have him back


                David Eastley

              • #10391

                  I have long since thought that Judges (so called), should not introduce their brand of humor into a competition, thus, introducing laughter and comments from the audience of members. Do the Judges (so called) think that in doing so,this kind of criticism would be deeply offensive to the entrant? Well I think so. What example does this sort of behavior by a judge send to members contemplating entering a competition for the first time? Would this kind of behavior encourage them to do so? I think not.

                  A judge should not be allowed to “make fun” of an image at the expense of the entrant, and in doing so, gather audience participation.

                • #10393

                    I thought Darren was an excellent judge. His comments were educationally critical where needed and delivered in a light hearted and informative manner.

                    I would certainly like to see him used as a Judge again.

                  • #10395
                    Keith LeeKeith Lee

                      I thought the Judge last night was excellent, very humourous and kept my attention very well, I didn’t nod off once the whole evening. I don’t recall hearing Darren “making fun” of anyones entry, if he was making fun of anyone it was towards himself. Some judges can be very po faced, love a picture then give a low mark which to me is contradictory. I thought his criticism was fair, honest and to the point, heaven knows some Judges waffle on about things they clearly know nothing about just to fill the time.

                      Marks out of 20? 19 and definately have him back

                      PS: I think he’d make a good Judge for the mix and match

                    • #10404

                        Ask a silly question and you will get a silly answer, so they say. Of course anyone who scored top marks will want the same judge to return.  In my case I would not want him to return for a very long time. I was subjected to gross humiliation and a judge should not be allowed to do this from anyone’s image.  But yet from remarks around me they didn’t share his views on my image or the marks given to any other images.  So no I would not want Darren Pullman to return.

                      • #10407

                          I didn’t get top marks but, on the whole, I liked his style and thought his critiquing was well balanced.  I enjoyed the evening and certainly learned from his comments although I didn’t agree with every one!  I would certainly like to see him return.

                        • #10434
                          Peter TrumpPeter Trump

                            Yes to inviting Darren back again. I thought he was excellent and his comments first class. So helpful with his critiquing particularly as a ‘newbie’ and in response to other comments would not be put me off entering further competitions. After all judging is very subjective.

                          • #10435
                            Annah RossAnnah Ross

                              Yes to having Darren back again, although probably not to judge a nature competition!    I thought he was very good (although a shame that he didn’t ‘like’ my photos).   His comments were fair and very informative.  I thought he was going to over run with the comments but he kept to time extremely well.  I know we don’t always agree with what the judge says or their scores, but at least we knew why he was scoring the way he was.   Looking back at some of the other comments made on this page, I’m sorry  some people felt upset and I can, partly, see why they might have felt that way as I think there were one or two photos that he did keep harping back to.   I am fairly sure we have all had that experience of our photos, but from being a fairly new member  (18 months now)  you know it happens at some point to everybody and I genuinely think you learn a lot from the comments.

                            • #10541
                              Sherry DavisSherry Davis

                                I have mixed feelings about the judging on Monday. Personally my images received good marks and constructive criticism, but I found that there was a little too much “if it were me I would do this…” I was also taken aback by remarks given about some other images that were shown and agree that making fun of them would have been hurtful to those concerned. Marks out 20, I think 15.

                              • #10582
                                Helen WigginsHelen Wiggins

                                  I thought Darren was a good judge, fair and informative…his scoring demonstrated a good range… I would also like him back… Having attended a session on judging last year it is apparent that there will always be a difference of opinion as judging is subjective…and we have seen this in many competitions

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