Mike Curry – Fleeting Reflections
Hassocks Room + Zoom (on request) King's Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, United KingdomOver the last 6 years Mike Curry has studied the ever changing architectural landscape of Canary Wharf. He has not, however, sought simply to re-represent the buildings as they are but has looked to the area’s other identifiable feature, and its raison d’etre; the mass of water that surrounds it, and the relationship between both…
Submit Images Monthly Competition 5 (Monochrome theme)
Online PhotoEntrySubmit your Print and PDI images on PhotoEntry by midnight in order to take part in the Monthly Competition with the theme Monochrome to be held on 27th January 2025. There are 6 ranking competitions each season, scored by an external judge, the results of which are cumulative on a league table basis. Competitions are…
Monthly Competition 5 (Monochrome theme) judged by Simon Street FRPS (10 awards) FIPF
Hassocks Room King's Centre, 33-35 Victoria Rd, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, United KingdomThe fifth Monthly Competition, with the theme Monochrome. There are 6 ranking competitions each season, scored by an external judge, the results of which are cumulative on a league table basis. Competitions are for both digital and printed images. The leagues are split into ability classes with promotions each season. Results will be recorded in…
Kevin Pigney – Passion for Wildlife
Hassocks Room + Zoom (on request) King's Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, United KingdomThis talk is the story of Kevin's first five years photographing wildlife throughout the UK. Along with sharing his favourite and most successful images, often there is a story behind the image which he will share. Kevin will also talk technology/ camera settings as well as setting up projects & fieldcraft.
Lloyd Lane – My Landscape Journey
Hassocks Room King's Centre, 33-35 Victoria Rd, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, United KingdomIn this talk, Lloyd will share his journey and passion for landscape photography with a focus on Sussex landscapes from the South Downs to the sea. He will also touch on forays into macro photography, photographing starlings, overseas travel, and offer location tips, technical advice on exposure settings, post-processing, and how to use weather apps…
Submit Images for Nature Competition
Online PhotoEntrySubmit images on PhotoEntry by midnight for the Nature Competition to be held on 17th February 2025. Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material…
Other Competition – Nature judged by Annie Healey
Hassocks Room King's Centre, 33-35 Victoria Rd, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, United KingdomNature Competition. Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed…
Submit Images – Extra Images for External Competitions
Online PhotoEntrySubmit extra images for external competitions on PhotoEntry. Message from Brian Dandridge: As the Spring approaches it will soon be time for two external PDI Competitions. We will soon be selecting images for our entries for two external Inter-club PDI competitions: - Regnum Crouch, to be held at Rustington on Fri 4th April - we…